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30 before 30

In 48 hours I'm going to be 30. I don't know how to feel. Part of me is thrilled to be leaving the 20's behind, moving forward to new and hopefully rewarding things. But there is a part of me that worries I haven't completed everything I needed to complete when I was in my 20's. Funny thing doesn't matter if I feel ready or not! It's happening on April 29, 2016 and I'm determined to move into the new decade of my life with a smile and a sense of closure and accomplishment of where I am at in life. I've learned a lot in my 30 years. I've spent almost 26 years of my life in school, graduating from pre-school, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school. I've earned a bachelors degree followed by an associate degree followed by not one, but two masters degrees. I know a lot of things! But honestly very few of the things that I've learned in school even made my list of 30 things I've learned by 30. Life has bee...

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